Take Control of Your Business Growth...

Transform Your Future with Proven,

Personalized, Customized Coaching

Break free from stagnation, elevate your business, and reclaim

your life. Get the guidance and strategies that will grow your
revenue, increase your satisfaction and joy, and give you

more time for what truly matters.

As a business owner, you already know how hard it can be to
keep the wheels turning. You’re juggling endless tasks, putting in

long hours, and trying to push for growth, but despite all your

effort, something is missing. Growth isn’t happening the way you

imagined, and the frustration of being stuck has left you

questioning your path. You know your business has the
potential for more – so why aren’t you getting the results you



That’s where I come in. My coaching is designed for
entrepreneurs who are ready to break through the barriers

holding them back. I specialize in turning overworked,

overwhelmed business owners into strategic, confident

leaders who have businesses that run smoothly, profitably,

and independently of constant oversight.

What sets my coaching apart?

  • Personalized Approach:

    I don’t do cookie-cutter here. Every client's situation is special, and

    every solution is custom tailored for them. Together, we dive deep into

    your unique business challenges and craft strategies that work for you,

    your industry, and your goals.

  • Proven Strategies:

    I've successfully built and sold two software companies, done market

    research and consulted for some of the largest technology companies

    in the world, and have been coaching entrepreneurs since 1996, working

    with owners of companies just like yours. I know what works — and I’ll

    work with you to implement it step by step.

  • Tangible Results:

    My clients don’t just talk about success. They live it. Within the first year,

    they’ve typically grown their revenue a lot, reclaimed their time, and

    created businesses that thrive without them working any harder, or

    burning them out.

The question isn’t whether you can grow your business. The
question is whether you’re ready to do what it takes

to get you there. Let’s make it happen...

Paul Lemberg is one of the truly great strategic minds in business. He doesn’t sit in an ivory tower. Every day, for hours on end, he works on the front lines of capitalism, helping companies large, medium, and small build, revise, restructure, makeover, and integrate totally new strategies designed to drive and revive their growth. He takes companies who are fundamentally tactical and turns them into formidable and sophisticated strategic business and marketing forces to recon with in their industries.

Jay Abraham

Marketing Genius

I was always extremely busy, and thought I couldn’t take on any more. Of course, I wasn’t always doing the right things to make my business grow. Working closely with Paul, and using his methods like, "Reverse Gearing", I discovered exactly what to do, and, more importantly, how to do it to dramatically ramp up my sales, systemize my processes to handle the growth, and organize the executive functions of my team. We added a systemized PR campaign and with Paul’s guidance, shifted our sales approach. Last year I went from wondering if my company was going to make it, to doubling my revenue while working less. Just two months into this year, we have already booked enough work to quadruple our revenues (400% gain) and will double again before the year is out. Paul is the perfect blend of genius and down-to-earth practicality. He has my strongest recommendation.

Captain Steve Harden, Retired

President, Lifewings

Paul Lemberg is one of the few consultants to whom I've paid more than six figures for their advice and ideas and found it well worth it. The other is Sir Richard Branson.

Marshall Sylver

Motivational Speaker and Hypnotist

After one year (it took longer than it should have because I was stubborn about everything), we have a fully structured sales process, our pipeline has grown by 15 times (!), and our sales cycle has been reduced from 12 months down to 4 months. My only regret is that I didn’t find Paul sooner. Thanks for your help!

Tom Johnson

IPiFONY and Papersoft